Traffic Rules & Regulation

Traffic Signals

Red Light

Red Light Stop well before the stop line, and don't crowd the intersection. This not only obstructs a clear view of the intersection for other road users, but also make the zebra crossing unsafe for the pedestrians. You are allowed to turn left at the red signal unless there is a sign specifically forbidding you to do so. When turning, yield the right of way to pedestrians and vehicles from other directions.


Yellow Light

Yellow Light The Amber light gives time to vehicles to clear the road when the signal is changing from green to red. If caught in the Amber signal in the middle of a large road crossing do not press your accelerator in panic but do continue with care.


Green Light

Green Light If first in line, do not go tearing off at the green signal but pause to see whether vehicles from other directions have cleared the road. Sometimes you are allowed to turn left or right too, unless separate signs exist for each direction. if turning, yield the right of way to pedestrians and vehicles from other directions.


Steady Green Arrow Signal

Steady Green Arrow Signal Proceed with caution in the direction indicated by the arrows. Remember that you must yield to all pedestrians and vehicles already in the intersection.


Flashing Red Signal

Flashing Red Signal You must come to a complete stop, yield to all other traffic and to pedestrians. Proceed only when the way is clear.


Flashing Amber Signal

Flashing Amber Signal You should slow down and proceed with caution.


General Rules

Keep Left on a two-way road to allow traffic from the opposite direction to pass on your right and on a one-way road to allow vehicles behind you to overtake from your right.

When Turning Left, keep to the left side of the road you are leaving as well as the one you are entering. When turning right, move to the centre of the road you are leaving and arrive near the left side of road you are entering.

Slow Down at road junctions, intersections, pedestrian crossings and road corners and wait until you are sure of a clear passage ahead. if you are entering a main road where traffic is not being regulated, give way to vehicles passing on your right.